Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What a Week!

It's been a busy few days, hence my absence. Jeanine came down to visit this past weekend, new kitty in tow. Her name is Jolene (so far...we may change it), and she is an adorable rescue from Wyoming. She's a tabby who's missing a few teeth so she appears snarly at times. She has six toes on each of her front paws. And she is very vocal, having long conversations with her old-ladyish meows. She is the sweetest thing, and I just adore her! I have been wondering, though, if it was too soon after the loss of my wonderful Dot...Jolene is just so affectionate, and it really reminds me of her, which usually sets me off sobbing. I could never replace Dot...but I'm not trying to. I loved Jolene when I met her back in Colorado, and I knew she needed a good home. She's another older kitty who needs a warm place to sleep. I was also thrilled to find out that the donation I made to get her went to rescuing six more cats from the shelter in Cheyenne, so that makes everything worthwhile. I am so thrilled to add her to our family.

Jeanine's main reason for visiting, however, was to attend this year's Balloon Fiesta. Damp weather made last year's a dud, so she wanted to give it another go. Jeanine, Nate, and I were at the park and ride depot by 5:30am, and met up with Scott briefly before heading down to the grounds. We enjoyed the balloon glow and dawn patrol before they really started in with the mass assention. This year's weather was fabulous, and they were able to get almost every balloon off the ground, even the special shapes. My favorite one, the Creamland cow, was back this year - it's the most elaborate balloon, and its legs stretch lower than the basket - I'd love to see how they land that thing!

Most of the rest of the weekend involved eating and shopping, but on Sunday we managed to enjoy some time in Madrid (where they filmed "Wild Hogs" - there were more movie souvenirs than you can imagine) before heading up to the Black Mesa Winery to try their signature chocolate wine. I'd never done a wine tasting before, but light weight that I am, those six tiny sips did me in. From there, we headed down to Tent Rocks National Monument where we did the main hike. It was much nicer than our last trip, as the temperatures were much cooler. Sadly, we didn't run into my old tae kwon do instructor from U of I this time! Hehe.

So it was a nice weekend, and it was sad that Jeanine had to go, but at least I had a new cat to occupy my time. Luckily Dash seems to be handling the new addition pretty well. Only a few minor scuffles have occurred. I can tell they will be pals before long.

In other news, work is work...I have a short week coming up, so that should be nice. Nate and I are off to a wedding this weekend, so that should be exciting. It will be good to get out of town for a bit. Speaking of which, I had dinner with Scott and Sarah last night, and we've been tossing around the idea of doing a camping trip downstate sometime soon...AND getting a bunch of us and going down to Juarez!! I've never been to Mexico, nor do I speak Spanish, so it'll be good to go in a group...AND I hear they have a ROLLER COASTER!! Whee!!

Hmmm, what else...well, I started my anger management class today! "Anger management," you say? Why ever are you taking that? Well, I get to take free classes since I work at UNM, and, as my friends say, I'm working my way through continuing ed. If you've ever been in the car with me, you know I have a few, um, issues with other drivers. :P Plus, I thought it'd be good to know in general, since, as everyone, I get a bit miffed about things every now and again. So my first class was really relaxing...it's taught by a Buddhist nun, and she has the most calming voice. We meditated twice, and I left there feeling nearly as good as I did during my first hypnosis session. I just hope I can hold on to that feeling this time (that time I felt like a new person for about a year!). Here's to overcoming negative emotions!

Well, that about sums up my life these days. More work tomorrow, and then a nice weekend! Woo hoo!!

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