Friday, November 9, 2007

At a Distance

It's been a grueling week, mostly because my home internet has been spotty, and I can only do my web-based activities from work. I've meant to write in my blog, but at day's end, I just want to go home. I've also been giving this whole "blog" thing a lot of thought. I meant to use this as a form of journal so I can document my experiences, but then I realized that the multitude of emails I write are essentially doing the same thing...I write some of the most vivid accounts of my life in email form, so why do I even need a blog? Well, those emails are only shared with a select few, but this blog allows me to share with everyone who has an interest. Granted, I probably won't go into all the details here as I might to a good friend, but I intend to recount and recreate all I can for my dear readers...

Not too much has been happening this past week, actually. I finally finished up my extraction plates yesterday, leaving only 90 stragglers to go. I prefer doing the individual ones as it is, since I can settle in the back of the lab and be lost in my own world for a while. Then there's the hour and a half breaks I love, during which I can retreat to my office and play on the internet. Good times.

Another good thing about being done with plates is not having to strain my eyes. After looking at things up-close for hours on end, it's been doing a job on my vision. Yesterday, walking back to the car, I saw something that looked like a UFO - it was saucer shaped and charcoal grey, mostly stationary, but occasionally bobbing around like a kite. I couldn't make it out for the life of me, but I figured that when I drove past it in a couple of minutes (I'd watched it for five minutes already) I could see it better. Of course it was gone by the time I went over there, so who knows what I might have seen. Between missing out on cool sightings and accidentally ignoring people I know because I don't recognize them, this eye strain has got to stop. I've spent enough money getting my eyes fixed in the first place that I don't need to have them ruined again.

Thank goodness it's Friday, too! I've got a pretty chill weekend planned for once. No madcap adventures this time, thank you! Just a vet appointment for Jolene and lots of errands to run. Hopefully I'll have more interesting things to yak about next time! As for now, it's back to work!

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