Monday, January 7, 2008


It really has been a while since I've written...I've been way too busy to really sit down and work on this. As some of you may know, my last day at UNM was Dec. 21st. I would have liked to have gone home sooner, to save on air fare, but they required me to be there on the last day so I could turn in keys and do all the other bureaucratic necessities that universities are so well known for. Of course, half the places I needed to go to were closed anyway, so I wound up having to go back again today to take care of it all. The last day was nice, though a bit sad. With the aid of Cheryl and Bob, Gabor and I cleaned out our office. We were treated to lunch at Two Fools Tavern by the two of them, and it was a nice time. I still don't know if I'm going to miss UNM...I'll miss the continuing ed, though!

On Saturday, I headed home to Chicago and spent the next two weeks visiting family and friends and having a wonderful time (and eating way too much). I saw nearly everyone I could, so that was nice. I particularly saw a lot of Jeanine, getting our eyebrows threaded, visiting with Jamie and Shantel, and going down to Chambana for a day. Nate also flew in right after Christmas, which was wonderful! We had all sorts of adventures. He joined us on our trip back to U of I, which was a lot of fun, though short. Sadly, we weren't able to meet up with any of the friends we contacted while we were down there, but we made our own fun. We drove all over, from Rantoul to Savoy, seeing what, if anything had changed. It was so weird - I felt so comfortable there, like I'd never left, and yet it was surreal. We visited both malls, hiked the prairie sculpture trail I always enjoyed, went souvenir shopping in campustown, ate at both Za's and Zorba's, as well as the new Flattops Grill...I love the ones in Chicagoland, and this was just as good...leave it to them to open one after I've left! That evening, we did something I'd never done before: we had a bar crawl. This was the ideal time to do so, since there was almost no one around...we had the bars to ourselves! We started out at Legends, where I tried to get their Millennium 99 (is that what it's even called??) which glows...well, I got it, sans the glow stick. Oh well. From there we went to Murphy's where I had a few shots of Dr. McGillicudy's (sp??) peppermint schnapps...sooooo good!! After that we went to Brother's where I tried some concoction on had pineapple in it. From there, we went somewhere just to say we'd been there...Kams!! YETCH!!! I always knew it smelled like vomit when you'd walk by, and I never had a desire to go, although billions of under-aged patrons would render the place a sardine's nightmare. This time, there were only two other patrons, so in we went! The bartender looked surprised to see us (maybe because we're 10 years older than their usual clientelle?), and I had a pre-mixed margarita (Nate had a Jaegermeister - his only deviation from beers all night). It was skeezy and looked like it should have been condemned, but I'm glad to say at least I was able to see the place...too bad C.O.'s was closed.

From there, we visited the Firehouse, a new (to us) bar in campustown and Nate had a 40 of beer, while I had some sort of coffee drink...I don't like coffee, but it was alright. After that, we went to La Bamba's to get a "burrito as big as your head" since that is the culture after doing this bar thing. I don't remember it being so great, but oh well. Lastly, Jeanine (the dd) was kind enough to take us to The Office where we topped off the night with a amaretto stone sour (for old time's sake) and a beer for Nate. It was so interesting to see the bar scene - it wasn't something I'd ever done, but I really can't envision going when it's packed to the gills with crazy college kids. This was the best time for it, and I enjoyed it...probably the only time I'll be doing that, though...bars...ick. :P Unless they're tiki bars, of course!!

Hmm, so what else...well, Nate and I went up to Milwaukee after that to visit the Safe House, a spy-themed was so cool, especially since the place is accessed in an alley and the entrance says "International Exports, Ltd." or something along those also need a password to get in, and it's riddled with all sorts of fascinating, gimmicky spy stuff inside. I'd tell you more, but I'd have to kill you. ;) Oh, we also saw the art museum and Pabst Mansion...good times!

For New Years Eve, we were going to try to hit a new tiki bar up in Kenosha, but it was way too snowy, so we opted to stay in and watch Roger Rabbit and have Siberian Frosts. It was a pleasant time, and I'm so glad that Nate was there to spend it with me!!

After Nate left, time just flew. I didn't have nearly enough time to do all I wanted, as usual, but it was still nice. At the end of it all, I got to see several of my high school pals, which was a nice topper to a wonderful trip...but now I need a vacation from my vacation!!

Sadly, it was not to I started a new "job." Well, actually it's a training course for Coldwell Banker Legacy. It feels so awkward to wear something other than jeans to work. The teacher looks like she belongs in a soap opera, and ironically, her daughter is actually ON "As the World Turns." We'll see how these things go...I'm currently at the panic and flee sounds like they expect a 2 year commitment and that, once successful, there's no turning back...I'm not sure I can do that, though...I'm a green-blooded biologist, and I really do feel like a sell out...but it would be nice to be successful one day (and biology isn't ripe for such prospects, sadly). We'll see how this goes!

As for now, I need some rest! Talk to you soon!

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