Monday, June 23, 2008


So much has happened in the last few days, I don't even know where to begin! I guess we can start with today and work backwards...I spent the day catching prairie dogs with Prairie Dog Pals, the local relocation service. After having turned down the opportunity to do this as a part time job, I still wanted to help out. What a day we had!! It was so cool because we trapped by foaming the critters out of their burrows and catching them by hand - a huge difference from the tomahawk trapping we did in Utah. Talk about a rush when you catch one! We caught about 15 throughout the day, including two at a church that were going to be poisoned if we hadn't caught them. What ever happened to religious people respecting all of God's creatures? What a bunch of hypocrites. It seems like churches around here are notorious for that sort of thing, and it's really disturbing. At least we rescued those two - supposedly that's all that reside there. The entire day, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck I'm doing in real estate...this is what I love doing! Sure I sat on some cactus spines and nearly burned my behind on the hot sand and used muscles I didn't remember I had, but it was so wonderful! Knowing you're helping a good cause and being out in nature is's what I'm meant to be doing! I'm so glad I participated, and I hope I can do it again before I leave. Oh, and for pay, Paul let me take home a prairie dog skull they'd found. A nice addition to my skull collection.

So once I had my plans for Utah mostly hashed out and I've set my mind to it, I had mall duty last Thursday, thinking "What am I doing here?" Well, nothing happened until the last 10 minutes...a guy came up to me with some questions - he needed to buy a house in a week or two! We hit it off so well, and he was incredibly impressed by my prompt subsequent emailing that he wanted ME for his realtor! NOW! When I'm leaving in a week! Why is it that things happen that way - nothing happens until you decide to do something else?? So I have to figure out what to do about that. He's the ideal first client, too - a new home buyer, so easy to get along with, and so confident in me! I almost wish I'd taken the prairie dog job so I could do this thing. Maybe I can at least muster a referral...

Hmm, what else. Well, when I last saw Jeanine, she brought down my Atari, NES, and N64, and I just started really playing come the last shipment from my mom which included some great games! Nate and I have been doing the whole Mega Man series, and I completed Clash at Demonhead last week. Today, I was so close to finishing Milon's Secret Castle when I somehow managed to revert back to stage one with no saved about frustrating!! It's an awesome game, though - I was reading some reviews, and it appears that gamers today are such wusses - most people complain that it's "too hard." That's what I love about the old games - they were so challenging and often quite seems like games today are just clones of one another and really dull and almost easier than the old standbys. Sure, there are a few exceptions, but nothing beats the trailblazers. As soon as I get over the shock of losing my status, I'm going to finish that darned game once and for all...and then it'll be on to the next one! Yay NES!

So yeah, I still haven't written my PNW report...too busy with the games. I think I need to go to UT to get away from it! I can't believe how soon THAT'S coming up!!

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