Friday, September 5, 2008

I've Had It!!

I've had it with this job, and coming to that conclusion makes me feel so free!! I had a very disappointing week - it seemed everything I tried to do was for naught, despite my hard work. I attempted to trap three different squirrel plots, each of which wound up falling on private property or being inaccessible at the time. I also attempted to do a pika point which was incaccessible due to a flooded out road. Despite these problems, I worked hard, trying to get around the obstacles in any way I could, but each turned out to be unproductive. My boss, who hasn't lifted a finger to help his project in weeks, was obviously not happy to hear this, but gave me such a patronizing attitude, complete with his idiotic silences and snotty tone, so as to make it seem like I'm some sort of failure. I was really mad at first, but then I realized this is a perfect springboard to get me out of this horrible job. I'm sick of his attitude and his ineptitude, and I know that when I'm gone, he's going to see just how hard it is for a person to do all this solo. After I work the State Fair on Saturday, I'm going to tell him I'm done. I'm not sure what I'll say, exactly, but I've really had it, and knowing that I won't be working the next three weeks has lifted an enormous weight off my shoulders.

I'll probably stick around another two weeks, though, as I'm going to the State Fair with Trish and her family next weekend, and then Nate may come up to do Yellowstone and help me move back. Maybe this will give me the opportunity to focus on my writing and other ways of bettering myself in the meantime.

Hmmm...two more weeks...I'm already going a little batty due to lack of social interaction. I live alone in a wetland surrounded by a rural farming community. My only coworker is my insipid and infuriating boss. I'm really going nutty being alone with just my thoughts. I need an outlet...hopefully I can make it through this two week void! We'll see what happens. I guess the best writers do tend to hole themselves away...maybe something brilliant will spring forth from these fingertips...

Well, I better go...I may try to apply for a job or two! Later!!

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