Thursday, April 24, 2008

Worries and Rants

I am a worrier. Anyone who knows me probably knows this. I have deep concern for those whom I care about, though I usually have little concern for myself. So that means I go about feeding my need for worry. My current favorite source of worry is a conspiracy theory message board. I LOVES ME THE CONSPIRACIES!! Seriously, if you look into a lot of them, they make some valid points. The date December 12, 2012 keeps cropping up, and a lot of people wonder if this will be a great turning point in humanity. Seeing the sheeple around me, things better ramp up a notch if that's ever going to happen. Earth changes, famine, Planet X, and merely Bush's last few months in office are enough to scare the bejeezuz out of anyone. Perhaps its some sort of complex, but I've always been convinced I'm destined for something important. Part of me hopes the crap hits the fan so I can finally take on my leadership role and save the planet. That is, if I can survive the tribulations leading up to that. It sounds like the powers that be are getting prepared for something...why should they be the ones to survive this mess?? If anything, the good people of society should be the ones rebuilding, not the callous kooks who care little about the rest of us. So yeah, I've been obsessing over this website for a while, and it is fascinating...but I feel all I think about is doom anymore. I often wonder if anything I'm doing really has much point.

So if you're reading this, take it as a warning...something BIG is coming. I don't know what, but be prepared. You may think I'm crazy to think about these things, but I think YOU'RE crazy if you're not opening your eyes and seeing what's really going on that the powers that be DON'T want you to see, or assume you're too blind to notice (which is the case for many).

One good side effect of all my doom worry is this: I'm having Lasik tomorrow for the THIRD (and final) time. Usually I'd be freaking out about it by now, and while it's in the back of my mind, it's not bothering me nearly as much as the rest of the stuff going on. Hopefully I can focus on some of this other stuff for the, what, 45 seconds of the procedure, and not think about what's happening. My fingers are crossed.

Since my flight home, I've also been reading "The Legacy of Luna," about the woman who lived in a redwood for 2 years. It's making me yearn to make a difference again and do to something important with my life. Real estate is NOT important. Not in the long run. I need to find something I truly stand for and make a difference. Maybe a political activist group for truth? Or, of course, some sort of environmental movement, but it's hard to pick just one. It's something to ponder...

In other news, Phoenix has experienced another bout of those mysterious "lights." I was watching an interview in which the reporter asked the video taper if he thought it was a "UFO." The guy hemmed and hawed, and I just wanted to be like, "You morons!! Of COURSE it was a UFO. Think about it. It is an object. It is flying. And YOU can't identify what does that mean?? It's a UFO!! If it were an alien spacecraft and you could identify it as such, it would no longer be a UFO, by mere definition of the word." Semantics, people!! If you want to know if they thought it was aliens, ask them that, sheesh!! UFOs exist. I don't know what they are, but they're unidentified, flying, and objects. You cannot deny it.

And now they're so quick to downplay the existence of these lights when some "dude" brags he was lighting lanterns in the air. Umm, ok, so why were they higher and brighter than high-flying aircraft, and how could the entire city see them?? No, the great mass media is content with any excuse of an answer they can find. Puh-lease. There is a lot of weird crap out there, and people with no evidence downplay it because it threatens the accepted image of "reality." WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!!

Ahem, so yeah, I'm stressed, pissed, and needing change. This world is going to pot, and fast...if these are aliens, I sometimes wish they'd just take me with 'em (as long as my loved ones could come along, too, of course). AURGH!!!!!!

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