Friday, April 25, 2008


So today was the eye procedure...I had a hard time falling asleep last night, due to nerves, but upon waking up this morning, I felt an overwhelming sense of calm. Such positivity - it was weird, considering Chicago alone breeds negativity. Lol. I vowed to keep hold of that feeling and pretty much succeded. I was only nervous once I actually got to the doctor's and was in the waiting room - my guts wanted to be outside, or so it felt. Hehe. Once called in, however, it was great! I LOVE the nurses there - they are so patient and nice, and we would joke. I had a ton of questions, which were mostly to break the ice, like (one they'd never heard before), "What happens if there's an earthquake?" Lol. It helped that I was the first person there for much of it, but when another lady showed up, we eased the tension by talking about cicadas and eating bugs...hehe. When they "dropped" my eyes, they didn't hold my lids open, which I'm always grateful for. Eventually (after they gave me two full valliums - more than my first time...I really didn't think I needed it, but when I (semi-jokingly) asked for it, they didn't hesitate in giving me another one), they brought me into the surgery room. I love how you lay down, because your head is supported and you can't pull away. Though I was cringing, it all went smoothly. I was prepared to "bring" myself somewhere else during the procedure, but I decided to just pay attention to everything and experience it all again, from the cold speculum wrenching my eyelids open to the digging around in my eye and pulling up of the flap, to the laser (the easiest part), to them smoothing my flap back don't feel a thing, and once the flap is up, everything is uber blurry. But it was kinda cool and VERY easy - almost easier than my last eye check up. Go fig! And it only took about 15 seconds!

On my way home, I mostly kept my eyes shut. It feels weird, but not too bad. They gave me a prescription for pain meds, and I was all, "I won't need that!" LOL! Well, the vallium knocked me out, and I came home and crashed until noon, and when I woke up YEEEOW! I think a lot of it was lack of dropping my eyes every hour like they want you to (when you're awake), but I was in agony. My mom went and picked up the meds, and now I feel mostly ok, though there are occasional bouts of stinging. Hopefully it's true that 90% of the healing takes place in the first 24 hours...

So I just looked outside a few minutes ago for the first real time, and WOW. I can see details I haven't seen in ages!! It's weird that my RIGHT eye is worse than my left now, but overall I can see a lot better. The real test will be at night, though. I'm wondering if I could get my right eye re-touched again one day, but we'll see if and when I'd ever want to do that. Right now, I'm just thrilled my left eye is doing so great. My next check up is tomorrow morning - I'm sure it'll be good.

So that's life up 'til now. I survived my THIRD Lasik procedure. If squeemish ol' me can do it, ANYONE can. I promise!

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